Valentin and the Soccer Adventure


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Valentin scored the winning goal
Valentin was a happy little boy from Australia who loved playing soccer. But what made him extra special was that he could speak Indonesian and Hungarian, just like his best friends. One sunny day, Valentin put on his soccer shoes and ran to the park. Waiting for him were his two friends: Ariel from Indonesia and Tivadar from Hungary. “Hi, Valentin!” Ariel waved excitedly. “Hi, Ariel! Apa kabar?” Valentin replied, asking his friend how he was in Indonesian. “Baik, terima kasih!” Ariel laughed, happy to hear Valentin speak his language. “Hi, Valentin!” Tivadar called out, ready to play. “Hi, Tivadar! Hogy vagy?” Valentin asked, greeting his friend in Hungarian. “Jól, köszönöm!” Tivador smiled back.
Valentin, Tivador and Yonki play a soccer game in the park
The three friends decided to play a soccer game. Valentin explained the rules in each language so everyone could understand. “Okay, let's start! Ariel, kamu di timku!” Valentin said, choosing Ariel for his team. “Tivadar, te vagy az ellenfél!” he told Tivadar, letting him know he was on the opposite team. The game began, and they kicked the ball back and forth. Valentin ran fast, Ariel dribbled the ball skillfully, and Tivadar defended his goal like a pro. Suddenly, Ariel fell down and looked sad. Valentin quickly ran over. “Ariel, kamu tidak apa-apa?” he asked, worried about his friend. “Ya, aku baik-baik saja,” Ariel said, smiling. He was glad Valentin cared. They continued playing, and this time Tivadar tripped and sat on the grass. “Tivadar, jól vagy?” Valentin asked, checking on him. “Igen, csak egy kis esés volt,” Tivadar laughed, saying it was just a small fall.
Valentin jump celebrating the goal he scored, park background
The game went on, and everyone was having fun. They laughed, cheered, and helped each other, showing that true friends always look out for one another. Finally, Valentin scored the winning goal. “Goal!” he shouted. “Bagus sekali, Valentin!” Ariel cheered, congratulating him in Indonesian. “Szép volt, Valentin!” Tivadar added, praising him in Hungarian. Valentin hugged his friends. “Thank you, Ariel and Tivadar! You are the best friends ever!”
Valentin, Yonki, and Tivador at down under a big tree, shared their snacks, and talked about their day.
The three friends sat down under a big tree, shared their snacks, and talked about their day. They felt happy and loved, knowing that friendship means speaking each other's language and caring for one another. And from that day on, Valentin, Ariel, and Tivadar played soccer together every chance they got, always remembering that their friendship was the most important thing of all.