Once upon a time, in a dense forest, there lived a clever fox and a mighty tiger. The fox was small and sly, while the tiger was big and strong.

One day, the fox came up with a mischievous plan. He wanted to protect himself from the tiger's strength. So, he decided to act like a tiger.

The fox found some orange and black stripes paint hidden deep in the forest. He painted his fur with the stripes, making himself look just like a tiger.

With his new appearance, the fox went to the tiger's den. He stood tall and said, 'I am an envoy sent by the gods! I possess magical powers and can protect this forest.'

The tiger was astonished by the fox's claim. He trembled with fear, thinking that the gods had indeed sent a powerful creature to protect the forest.

The fox continued, 'If anyone dares to harm this forest, I will unleash my magical powers and punish them!' The tiger, terrified, bowed down before the fox.

Word of the fox's magical powers spread throughout the forest. All the animals believed in the fox's claim and respected him as their protector.

As time passed, the fox's disguise started to fade away. The tiger noticed the truth and confronted the fox. But the fox, with his wit, explained how he used his intelligence to protect himself.