Milo the bunny trembled with fright, his first day of school filled him with plight.
His whiskers twitched as he hopped along, wishing that he could be brave and strong.
The schoolyard seemed so big and new, with unfamiliar faces coming into view.
He clutched his carrot lunch with care, hoping to find a quiet corner there.

Shawn the bear spotted Milo alone, sitting by himself on a mossy stone.
With a friendly smile and a gentle wave, Shawn approached though Milo wasn't brave.
The bunny's eyes grew wide with fear, as the big bear came ever near.
"Hello there, friend," said Shawn with glee, "Would you like to come and play with me?"

Milo's heart beat fast in his chest, thinking that running would be best.
He hopped away with lightning speed, ignoring Shawn's kind words and plead.
Across the playground, past the swing, Milo ran from the friendly greeting.
Toward the forest edge he fled, with worried thoughts filling his head.

The forest loomed dark and deep, where scary creatures were said to creep.
Milo darted between the trees, his little paws moving with ease.
Behind him came the persistent bear, following with determined care.
"Wait up, please!" called Shawn with might, "I promise I won't give you a fright!"

Deeper and deeper the two went in, until the path grew faint and thin.
Milo stopped when he realized where, they'd ventured far beyond school's care.
"The Forbidden Forest!" he squeaked in fear, as Shawn finally caught up near.
"We shouldn't be here," the bunny cried, as they stood together side by side.

Mysterious noises filled the air, making both bunny and bear aware.
Hoots and howls and rustling leaves, sent shivers down to their knees.
Milo trembled beside his foe, who suddenly didn't seem so, though.
Shawn looked scared but stood up tall, ready to protect despite his small.

"Don't worry, Milo," brave Shawn declared, "I'll keep you safe, though I'm quite scared."
The bunny blinked in pure surprise, seeing truth in the bear's kind eyes.
Perhaps this bear wasn't mean at all, just friendly and brave though very tall.
Milo felt his fear start to fade, as a connection between them was made.

Suddenly a shadow loomed ahead, filling both their hearts with dread.
A creature with glowing yellow eyes, of monstrous shape and fearsome size.
"Stay behind me," whispered Shawn, as the monster crept across the lawn.
But Milo wouldn't hide away, he'd stand with his new friend come what may.

Together they faced the scary beast, whose growling sounds had only increased.
Shawn roared loudly with all his might, while Milo thumped his foot in fight.
The monster stepped into the light, revealing a moose with antlers bright.
Embarrassed, he apologized for the scare, then pointed the way back with great care.

Side by side they walked with ease, finding friendship among the trees.
"I'm sorry I ran away from you," said Milo with a heart so true.
"I thought because you were big and tall, you'd be mean and not nice at all."
Shawn smiled warmly at his new friend, "Appearances can often pretend."

Back at school they shared their tale, of forest adventures without fail.
Teacher praised their bravery that day, while classmates listened in dismay.
"I learned something important," Milo declared, "Not to judge others without being prepared."
Shawn nodded wisely with a grin, "True friendship comes from deep within."

From that day on, the two were tight, playing together from morn till night.
Milo's shyness began to fade, thanks to the friend that he had made.
Shawn taught bravery, Milo taught care, a perfect match, this bunny and bear.
And all because they looked beyond, to form a true and lasting bond.