Once upon a time, in a town named Hamelin, there was a big problem. The town had too many rats. They ran through the streets and made everyone unhappy.

The people tried to get rid of the rats but nothing worked. One day, a man dressed in colorful clothes arrived. He was called the Pied Piper because he played magical tunes on his flute.

The Pied Piper played a tune on his flute. The rats followed him. The Pied Piper walked towards the river. The rats fell into the water and were never to be seen again.

The people were thrilled that the rats were gone. But the town leaders refused to thank and pay Pied Piper. They broke their promise.

The Pied Piper felt sad. He decided to teach the town a lesson. He played a different tune on his flute. This time all the children of the town followed him.

They followed him out of town, through a secret door in a mountain, and into a magical land.

In the magical land, the children played and laughed all day long. They were safe and happy.

From that day, the town of Hamelin had no children.