On a dirt road in the middle of a wide field, there stood a stunning carriage resembling a stagecoach. It was adorned with gold edges and intricate carvings. Six large chestnut horses, with bells on their feet and pom-poms on their heads, were harnessed to the carriage. Surprisingly, the horses were motionless, waiting for their Master's command. The Horse Master, a confident man, was working underneath the carriage, unafraid of the still horses.
Two young colts emerged from the field, inviting the chestnut horses to play. The colts frolicked and urged the horses to join them in games and races. But the horses remained still, waiting for the Master's voice. The colts, unaware of harnesses and discipline, couldn't understand why the horses didn't respond. Eventually, the Master captured the colts and took them for training.
One colt rebelled and escaped the training, returning to freedom. The other colt chose to submit and learn from the Master. The training was tough, teaching obedience and responsiveness to the Master's commands. The obedient colt completed the training and was fitted with a harness. He was now ready to pull the King's carriage, while the rebellious colt envied his brother's transformation.
A drought struck the land, leaving the rebellious colt struggling to find food. Meanwhile, the obedient colt thrived on the provisions provided by the Master. The rebellious colt realized the source of his brother's strength and sustenance – the Master's House. Despite the confinement of the harness, the obedient horse found nourishment and strength in the Master's care. This highlighted the rewards of submission and discipline.