The Giant Hasenpfeffer


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A towering green farm landscape with a single, enormous rabbit peeking out from behind a barn.
On the Taylor farm, tall and green, Lived a rabbit, the likes of which you've never seen. The hasenpfeffer was his name, An enormous rabbit, not at all tame.
Hallie looking timid and wide-eyed, clutching a stuffed animal with shadows hinting at a large rabbit figure looming.
Hallie, a little girl, just six years old, Heard stories of the hasenpfeffer, so big and bold. She shivered and shook, feeling quite scared, Imagining the giant rabbit, who children ensnared.
Emmalee with golden hair, smiling reassuringly, with an open storybook that shows a friendly rabbit.
Emmalee, nine years old, with hair of gold, Told Hallie, 'Don't worry, the stories are old. The hasenpfeffer is gentle, not at all mean, He just wants to play, not make children into cuisine.'
A sunlit meadow with flowers and butterflies, and two small footprints leading towards a rabbit hole.
One sunny day, in the meadow so green, Hallie and Emmalee were joyfully seen. They danced and they twirled, without any care, Until they stumbled upon the hasenpfeffer's lair.
The hasenpfeffer with a joyful expression, mid-hop out of his lair, with Hallie and Emmalee in the background, frozen in surprise.
Out hopped the hasenpfeffer, big and so grand, Hallie and Emmalee froze where they stand. But instead of a growl, he let out a cheer, 'Come play with me, my dear friends, have no fear!'
Hallie and Emmalee playing tag with the hasenpfeffer under the bright sun, with laughter lines around their mouths.
The giant rabbit was gentle, not at all scary, He loved to play and was rather merry. Hallie and Emmalee laughed and had fun, With the hasenpfeffer, their new friend, under the sun.
Hallie sitting thoughtfully on a grassy hill, with the hasenpfeffer beside her, looking at the horizon.
The hasenpfeffer was misunderstood, you see, He just wanted friends, not children for tea. Hallie learned that sometimes stories aren't true, And it's best to discover things for yourself, wouldn't you?
The hasenpfeffer surrounded by a group of children, all holding hands in a circle, with Hallie smiling brightly among them.
So, the hasenpfeffer, the giant so grand, Found friendship with children, hand in hand. And Hallie learned a lesson, oh so bright, Sometimes what we fear, turns out just right.