Osh, Ish, and XL were sitting with Jesus. "What are you teaching about today?" asked Osh. Jesus smiled and said, "The kingdom of heaven is like a king who prepared a wedding banquet for his son." Ish, who loved parties, asked, "What kind of food did he have?"

Jesus continued, "The king sent his servants to call those who had been invited, but they refused to come." Osh's eyes widened. "Why wouldn't they come if they were invited?" Ish nodded and added, "That's not very nice. A wedding is a happy time."

Jesus said that the king was angry and sent his army to destroy those who refused and burn their city. "Then he sent his servants to go out into the streets and gather everyone they could find." Osh and Ish listened intently. They wondered what would happen next.

The king's servants brought all kinds of people, both good and bad, and the wedding hall was filled with guests. Osh clapped his hands. "That's great! Now the party can start!" Ish smiled and said, "I bet it's going to be a wonderful celebration."

But," Jesus said, "when the king came in to see his guests, he noticed a man who was not wearing wedding clothes." Ish gasped. "Why wasn't he dressed for the party?" Osh shook his head. "It's important to wear your best clothes to a wedding."

The king had the guest without proper attire thrown out. Osh and Ish looked at each other in surprise. "That seems harsh," Osh said. Jesus then told them, "For many are invited, but few are chosen."

XL explained that Jesus was using this parable to teach about God's invitation to be part of His kingdom. "It's important to be ready and accept the invitation," she said. Osh and Ish nodded. They understood the lesson.

Later that day, Osh and Ish talked about the story. "I want to be ready for God's invitation," Osh said. Ish agreed. "Me too! We should always be prepared."

Osh and Ish decided to share the story with their friends. "It's a very important lesson," Ish said. Their friends listened carefully. They all wanted to be ready for God's invitation too.

Osh, Ish, and their friends talked about how they could be ready. "We can be kind and help others," Osh suggested. Ish nodded. "And we can pray and learn more about God."

From that day on, Osh, Ish, and their friends tried to live by the lesson they learned. They helped each other and were kind to everyone. They felt happy knowing they were preparing for God's invitation.

One day, they all imagined what the great feast would be like. "It will be the best party ever," Ish said. Osh agreed. "And we will all be there, ready and happy." They smiled, knowing they were on the right path.