A happy little bear in a beautiful forest
Once upon a time, in a beautiful forest, there lived a happy little bear.
A bear with three brains visible, labeled as Instinct, Emotion, and Rational
This little bear was special because it had not just one, but three brains. These brains were called the Instinct brain, the Emotion brain, and the Rational brain.
A bear looking at a pile of candy
One day, little bear saw some delicious candy. Its Instinct brain told it to eat as much candy as it could, but its Rational brain reminded it that too much candy is unhealthy.
A bear eating juicy and healthy fruits
Listening to its Rational brain, little bear decided to make a wise choice. Instead of eating lots of candy, it chose to eat some juicy and healthy fruits.
A bear playing with toys
Another day, little bear wanted to stay up late playing, but its Rational brain knew that sleep is important for growing up strong.
A bear sleeping peacefully
Following the advice of its Rational brain, little bear decided to sleep early. It knew that a good night's sleep would make it feel refreshed and ready for the next day's adventures.
A bear with a thought bubble showing wise choices
Little bear learned that by listening to its Rational brain, it could make wise choices. It understood that its Rational brain always had its best interests at heart.
A grown-up bear making healthy choices
From that day on, little bear always listened to its Rational brain. It made healthy choices and grew up to be a smart and happy bear.