Gold Star Kam


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Kam looking longingly at her friends doing backbends in the park, with a sad expression on her face
Kam watched her friends do backbends at the park. She wished she could join them, but every time she tried, she just couldn't do it. 'I'll never be able to do a backbend,' Kam thought sadly. But then, she made a decision. 'I'm going to practice every day until I can do it!'
Kam practicing backbends alone after school, determination on her face, surrounded by an empty field
Every day after school, Kam practiced her backbends. She started with small stretches to make her back more flexible. Some days were harder than others, and sometimes she felt like giving up. But Kam remembered her goal and kept trying. 'I can do this,' she told herself.
Kam and her teacher working together on stretches, Kam showing a face of concentration and gratitude
One day, Kam's teacher noticed her practicing and offered to help. 'Everyone needs a little help sometimes,' she said. With her teacher's guidance, Kam learned the correct way to stretch and balance. She felt stronger and more confident. 'Thank you!' Kam beamed, feeling grateful for the support.
Kam successfully doing a backbend in front of her cheering friends, a big smile of achievement on her face
Finally, the day came when Kam felt ready to try a backbend in front of her friends. She took a deep breath, bent backward, and did it! Her friends cheered, and Kam felt like she was shining. 'You did it, Kam! You're a gold star!' they exclaimed. Kam smiled, proud of her hard work and perseverance.