Germs, germs, germs.


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A boy with a frown and a runny nose, sitting in bed
Once upon a time, in a little town, There lived a boy, who wore a frown. He woke up one day, feeling quite ill, With a runny nose and a little chill.
The same boy sitting in a classroom, looking sick
Despite feeling sick, he went to school, With his backpack on, feeling uncool. In his classroom, he took his seat, But his sniffles and coughs, they couldn't be beat.
The boy sneezing into his hands
During the lesson, he felt a sneeze, He covered his mouth, but oh, what a tease! Instead of using his elbow or sleeve, He sneezed in his hands, oh, what a reprieve!
Germs spreading from the boy's hands to a desk
Those sneezy germs, they started to spread, Jumping from hands to desks, oh, what dread! They hopped on pencils and notebooks too, Making their way to friends, one by one, it's true.
A child at home with a thermometer, looking sick
Soon, the other kids began to feel unwell, With sniffles and sneezes, they couldn't excel. They had to stay home, feeling quite blue, All because of those germs that grew and grew.
The boy looking regretful, while a teacher explains something
The boy realized his mistake, oh dear, He needed to learn how to keep germs clear. His teacher taught him a golden rule, To wash his hands, not just in school.
The boy washing his hands with soap
Armed with soap and water, he scrubbed away, For twenty seconds, every single day. Soon, his classmates joined in the fun, Washing their hands until the germs were done.
The boy and his classmates, all looking healthy and happy
With clean hands and smiles, they all did greet, No more sniffles or sneezes, what a feat! The boy and his classmates, healthy and fine, They learned the importance of washing, oh so divine!