At Miner Fire Station #5, Derek, Jackson, and Henley were polishing William Watermoore's bright red surface. The alarm suddenly blared, alerting the firepups to an emergency. "There's an out-of-control campfire at Pine Grove Campground!" announced Derek, adjusting his red captain's helmet. The three dogs quickly jumped aboard William Watermoore, whose headlight eyes widened with excitement.

William Watermoore's engine roared to life as the firepups secured themselves inside. "Let's roll, team!" Derek barked, and William zoomed down the road with sirens wailing. Jackson checked the equipment while Henley studied the map to find the fastest route. They arrived at the campground to find frightened campers pointing toward a growing blaze near their tents.

Camper 1, a gray and white cat, ran toward them waving frantically. "The fire spread so quickly from our cooking spot!" she cried. Derek surveyed the scene while Camper 2 and Camper 3, both squirrels in camping gear, scurried around nervously. "Henley, hook up the hoses and tackle the lower flames," Derek commanded, his golden fur gleaming in the firelight.

Henley's white fur contrasted with her pink uniform as she dragged the heavy hose toward the flames. "Jackson, ready the ladder and pass me another hose!" Derek called out. Jackson, in his yellow uniform, worked quickly to extend William Watermoore's ladder. The firepups sprayed water on the flames, which hissed and steamed in protest.

"We're running out of water!" William Watermoore announced, his smile turning to a worried frown. The firepups looked at each other with concern as the fire continued to burn. "I have an idea!" Jackson exclaimed, spotting the nearby river. "We can use an extra hose to pump water directly from the river!"

Jackson unrolled the longest hose and raced toward the river's edge. Derek helped secure the connection to William Watermoore's pumping system. "It's working!" Henley shouted as fresh water flowed through their hoses. With renewed resources, the firepups attacked the remaining flames until the last ember was extinguished.

The grateful campers gathered around the firepups as Derek explained important fire safety rules. "Always keep water and a shovel nearby when camping," Henley demonstrated with her equipment. "And clear away dry brush before starting any fire," added Jackson, pointing to the surrounding area. Camper 2, the squirrel, promised to be more careful next time.

Back at the station, the tired firepups washed William Watermoore until his red surface gleamed again. "Great teamwork today, especially your quick thinking with the river, Jackson," Derek praised. Henley yawned and stretched her paws, proud of their successful mission. The firepups curled up in their beds, ready for whatever emergency might come next.