Derby the Dinosaur


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Derby looking sad with his hand on his cheek
Once upon a time, there was a dinosaur named Derby. Derby was a friendly purple dinosaur with yellow spots. One day, Derby woke up with a terrible toothache. He couldn't eat his favorite leafy greens and his tummy rumbled with hunger.
Derby looking at a sign that says 'Dentist'
Derby decided to find a solution to his toothache. He asked his dinosaur friends if they knew what to do. But none of them had ever been to a dentist before. Then, Derby had an idea! He remembered seeing a sign that said 'Dentist' in the nearby town.
Derby walking through the tall grass
Derby set off on an exciting adventure to find the dentist. He walked through the tall grass, crossed rivers, and climbed mountains. Along the way, he met friendly animals who cheered him on.
Dr. Dentist standing in his office
Finally, Derby arrived at the dentist's office. He pushed the door open with his big, strong tail and walked in. Inside, he saw a kind dentist named Dr. Dentist. Dr. Dentist was a Latino man with long white hair.
Dr. Dentist holding a tiny mirror and a special tool
Dr. Dentist examined Derby's tooth carefully. He used a tiny mirror and a special tool to check inside Derby's mouth. Derby was a little nervous, but Dr. Dentist reassured him with a warm smile.
Derby sitting in the dentist chair, looking brave
Derby showed great bravery as Dr. Dentist fixed his tooth. The dentist gently cleaned Derby's tooth and filled it with a special material. Derby felt a little tickle, but it didn't hurt at all.
Derby holding a toothbrush and a string of floss
After the dental treatment, Derby thanked Dr. Dentist for his help. He was so happy that his toothache was gone! Derby promised to take good care of his teeth from now on by brushing and flossing every day.
Derby skipping happily with a big, healthy smile
Derby left the dentist's office with a big, healthy smile on his face. He waved goodbye to Dr. Dentist and skipped happily back home. From that day forward, Derby always took care of his teeth, and he never had a toothache again.