African girl leans how to deal with anger


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Ayanda looking sad with an empty spot where a red ball should be
Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Ayanda. Ayanda had a favorite toy, a shiny red ball. She loved playing with it every day. But one day, when Ayanda went to play with her ball, it was nowhere to be found. She looked everywhere, but it was gone.
Ayanda looking angry
Ayanda felt a surge of anger inside her. She was upset that her favorite toy was missing. She wanted to find out who took it. Ayanda's friend, Tolu, was playing with her that day. Ayanda thought Tolu must have taken her ball without asking.
Tolu looking surprised
Ayanda walked up to Tolu and said, 'Did you take my red ball without asking?' Tolu looked surprised and said, 'No, Ayanda, I didn't take your ball. I have my own toys to play with.' Ayanda didn't believe Tolu and felt even angrier.
Grandma giving advice to Ayanda
Ayanda was still feeling angry and didn't know what to do. She decided to go to her wise grandma for advice. Grandma listened to Ayanda's story and said, 'My dear Ayanda, anger can make us say and do things we don't mean. It's important to calm down and think before acting.' Ayanda nodded, ready to learn.
Ayanda practicing deep breathing
Grandma taught Ayanda a special technique to calm down when she felt angry. She said, 'Close your eyes, Ayanda, and take a deep breath in through your nose, and then slowly breathe out through your mouth. Repeat this a few times until you feel calm.' Ayanda practiced the deep breathing and felt her anger starting to fade away.
Ayanda looking under her bed
After calming down, Ayanda decided to look for her ball again. She searched in all the places she had already looked before. And guess what? She found her shiny red ball hiding under her bed! Ayanda realized that she had misplaced it and Tolu was innocent.
Ayanda apologizing to Tolu
Ayanda felt bad for accusing Tolu without any proof. She went up to Tolu and said, 'I'm sorry for thinking you took my ball, Tolu. I found it under my bed. I should have believed you.' Tolu smiled and forgave Ayanda, saying, 'It's okay, Ayanda. Friends make mistakes, but what matters is that we learn from them.'
Ayanda and Tolu sharing toys
From that day forward, Ayanda learned an important lesson about anger and friendship. She realized that it's better to talk calmly and find a solution instead of getting angry right away. Ayanda and Tolu became even closer friends and started sharing their toys with each other. They understood that true friendship is built on trust, understanding, and sharing.